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2016 Horses for Healing Golf Tournament
09th Oct 2016
2016 Horses for Healing Golf Tournament

2016 Horses for Healing Golf TournamentOctober 9, 2016
Golf Tournament: 1:00 pm
Dinner/Awards: 6:00 pm

Auburn Valley Golf Club
8800 Auburn Valley Rd, Auburn, CA 95602
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Please join us for our inaugural Horses for Healing Golf Tournament at the beautiful Auburn Valley Golf Club on October 9th!

Auburn Valley Golf Club is 175 acres of beautiful fairways, 13 lakes, bunkers in all the right places, and plenty of trees for shade and ricochet shots. The tournament includes 18 holes of golf, cart, range balls and dinner…and you’re helping Horses for Healing Therapeutic Riding Center, serving children and adults with special needs in Placer County since 1997.

Please click on the button below to sign up now as a foursome ($400) or as a single player ($125). For more information or to learn about Sponsorship opportunities, please call 530-887-9573.

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