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2020 Horses for Healing 9-Hole Golf Tournament – Oct. 3rd!
2020 Horses for Healing 9-Hole Golf Tournament – Oct. 3rd!

2020 Horses for Healing 9-Hole Golf Tournament - Oct. 3rdPlease join us for the 2020 Horses for Healing 9-Hole Golf Tournament at the beautiful Black Oak Golf Course on Saturday, October 3rd!

October 3, 2020
Golf Tournament: 10:00 am
Lunch/Awards: 12:30 pm

Black Oak Golf Course
2455 Black Oak Road
Auburn, CA 95602

View Google Map

Registration for this event is now closed.

Black Oak Golf Course is a 9-hole course hidden in the folds of the Gold Country in Auburn, California. Its beautiful, bold oaks provide a wonderful outline to generous fairways and greens. The tournament includes 9 holes of golf, cart (walking optional), range balls and awards lunch with sandwiches…and you’re helping Horses for Healing Therapeutic Riding Center, serving children and adults with special needs in Placer County since 1997.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy a beautiful day of golf while helping a special charity. Prizes will go to the first place winners, as well as a lucky team that will be randomly drawn. In addition, there will be prizes for the Closest to the Pin and Longest Drive contests.

Coronavirus Prevention Measures During Tournament
In an effort to keep tournament participants safe, Horses for Healing and Black Oak Golf Course will take the following preventive measures:

  • All Horses for Healing tournament staff will be wearing masks. We ask that all players wear a mask when close to other individuals that are not a part of your foursome or group.
  • A hand sanitizing station will be set up at the sign in table and each player will receive an individual size hand sanitizer.
  • Tee time start to prevent a group gathering at the beginning of the tournament. Each foursome or player will be given a tee time before the tournament.
  • Option to walk the course or use cart (number of carts limited)
  • Horses for Healing staff will man the Closest to the Pin and Longest Drive contests, so players will not need to touch a score keeping sheet or distance marker.
  • Socially distanced lunch/award ceremony. Sandwiches will be served in individual boxes.

Please click on the button below to sign up now as a foursome ($240) or as a single player ($65). For more information or to learn about Sponsorship opportunities, please call 530-887-9573.

Registration for this event is now closed.

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